< Insights
Case Study
Future proofing innovation: Preventing obsolescence through strategic redesign

PCB Design





Battery operated

OLED screen

Magnetic decay sensor

Compact handheld


PCB Design





Battery operated

OLED screen

Magnetic decay sensor

Compact handheld


Kiwa are leaders in testing, inspection, certification and data services to a global customer base across a variety of market segments, including construction, utilities and public safety. Their hot swage joint analyser is used to measure the level of corrosion at the swage joint area of a streetlight column to determine its structural safety.


Kiwa approached Cubik for help with an existing product that was at risk of becoming unmanufacturable. Originally designed in the 1990’s, their hot swage joint analyser called for parts and components that had become obsolete since its inception.

Their objectives were to update the design to create a modern, handheld version and manufacture five new units, complete with full data pack including electronic design files and a software source file.

It was vital that the new design measured and calculated results in the same way as the existing device so that historic testing data could be inherited by the new instrument, without having to define new safety classifications.


The process began with reverse engineering the circuit and sourcing alternative components for the obsolete ones. We ran tests to understand how the device measured, inferring the method of operation and calculating results to fit those produced by the existing device. We then built a prototype breadboard version that allowed us to recreate the device’s operation and generate measurable results.

Using the output from our investigations, we created a custom PCB design and developed software to manage the system and record and present results via a digital display. Finally, we benchmarked the results against the existing device to ensure the results were consistent.


The hot swage joint analyser is one of the main tools used by Kiwa’s technicians to annually inspect and assess the structural integrity of over 130,000 lighting columns across the UK and Ireland, helping to ensure the safety of the public. As well as offering amore modern and functional aesthetic, the new design eliminates the immediate risk of obsolescence and creates a platform for further units to be built to support the scaling of the business.

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Right from the first meeting with the team at Cubik Innovation, I knew we were in safe hands, and talking with the right partner to bring what we needed to life in a controlled, and manageable manner, that was sensitive to our needs. Product design and prototype development can be challenging, especially if like Kiwa it is not your area of expertise, and the team at Cubik walked us through it in a way that simply made sense, and part of the process, delivering us an instrument that was a leap-forward from what we had before.
Dave Robinson
Technical Director

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